A Word About The Quality Of My Sound Files
I make no apology for the sound files not being as perfect as they might be, especially those converted from vinyl. I do not possess the technical know-how to reduce unwanted noise, hiss, etc. I certainly have the software (e.g. Gold Wave) but not the knowledge about what settings to use. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please feel free to enlighten me.

Saturday, 29 January 2011
Ian Cussick has recorded many albums, all of which can be relied upon for at least a few great tracks. However, this one, issued with two very different covers, is his masterpiece. Almost every track is a killer. Strange therefore, that it is the only one never to get a release on CD. Give it a listen and be equally bewildered.
01. The Supernatural
02. Aerial Combat
03. I Read Your Letter
04. Gone In Your Eyes
05. Send My Love Through
06. Don't Turn Your Back On The Man
07. American Women
08. The Meaning
09. Rock On
10. The Nucleus
If you want to hear what it sounds like, click here