A Word About The Quality Of My Sound Files
I make no apology for the sound files not being as perfect as they might be, especially those converted from vinyl. I do not possess the technical know-how to reduce unwanted noise, hiss, etc. I certainly have the software (e.g. Gold Wave) but not the knowledge about what settings to use. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please feel free to enlighten me.

Sunday, 23 January 2011
In 1979, an L.A. band called RISE released a beguiling 7" single on Mystic Records. To my knowledge, it was a complete one-off, and everyone connected with it slipped into obscurity thereafter. What is remarkable about it is that it merged pomp rock, progressive rock, hard rock and even power pop, all bound together by some of the best rock synthesizer you will EVER hear!
I believe "Twitch City" was the A-side, and whilst the vocals are a little amateurish (to these ears), the guitar riff is classic hard rock, and the synth embellishments are a tour de force. The B-side, "Visions", seems to feature a much better singer, and a couple of minutes into the song you are hearing keyboard sounds that transport you back into the 70s and match anything your prog rock gods ever came up with.
The single was released on "electric blue" vinyl, and is well worth buying if you can locate a copy.
If you want to hear what it sounds like, click here
FOOTNOTE : It seems they did release some other singles - three in fact, and all equally as rare.