A Word About The Quality Of My Sound Files
I make no apology for the sound files not being as perfect as they might be, especially those converted from vinyl. I do not possess the technical know-how to reduce unwanted noise, hiss, etc. I certainly have the software (e.g. Gold Wave) but not the knowledge about what settings to use. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please feel free to enlighten me.

Sunday, 20 March 2011
When AOR band Britton released the "Rock Harder" CD (which was basically the "Rock Hard" LP plus two extra tracks), there was a small but disappointing change. The track "Living On The Redline" was missing its intro - an acoustic verse which for once DID enhance the song, as it heightened the scream driven entrance of the song proper. I have no idea who decided to replace it with a (far less effective) phase-in. It wasn't as if anyone was going to think Britton was a soft rock group, after all! Nor was there any issue with time constraints.
So here is the full version from the vinyl. I think you will agree it was utter madness to amputate it.
If you want to hear what it sounds like, click here